check if you are on the Spamcop Blacklist, you can visit their website and follow their instructions right at the beginning of the page.
However, you cannot manually remove yourself from the Spamcop Blacklist. Spamcop is in charge of blocking and unblocking all IP Addresses that have been reported.
If you are continuously in the reports of spam, you will continue to be listed on the Spamcop Blacklist.
If you begin to not appear on the reports, you will be removed from the blacklist automatically in 24 hours.
The SpamCop Blacklist records lists of IP Addresses that are flagged for sending reported mail. Punctuality is key to the Spamcop Blacklist's value. Because of the automatic nature of the system, the accuracy of listing spam is high.
Without any additional reports, a reported address stays on the Spamcop Blacklist for only 24 hours. This limits the amount of damage if users make a mistake and report legitimate mail.