How Many Cold Emails to Send Per Day?

Cold emailing requires you to send out emails daily, but how many cold emails to send per day is best? Read this article to learn this and to learn how to warm up an email address to have good cold email deliverability.
When executing a cold email outreach, email deliverability is a major concern.
The new email accounts aren't warmed up, which is the issue.

Since most emails are now classified as spam due to the Google spam update, it is getting more difficult to access the inbox.

To prevent this, it is crucial to warm up your new email account before you begin a cold email outreach.

This article will show you how to do it fast and easily.

What is a Cold Email?

A cold email is an unsolicited email message that is sent to someone who has no prior relationship or connection with the sender.

The term "cold" refers to the fact that the recipient is not expecting the email and may not have any prior knowledge of the sender or their business.

Cold emails are often used in marketing and sales to reach out to potential customers, partners, or investors. They can also be used for job applications, networking, or to build relationships with influencers or thought leaders.

The key to a successful cold email is to make it personalized, relevant, and compelling.

Why Are Cold Emails Important?

Cold emails are important because they are a powerful tool that benefits businesses, job seekers, and individuals seeking to expand their network or create new relationships.

But why should you consider sending cold emails?

Here are several reasons:

Reach a Wider Audience

Cold emailing can help you reach a wider audience by allowing you to connect with people who may not be familiar with your business or brand. Unlike other forms of marketing or networking, cold emailing enables you to reach out to many people with a personalized message without needing face-to-face interaction or a pre-existing relationship.

Cold emailing can also help you target individuals or groups likely to be interested in your products or services. For example, if you're launching a new software product, you could target IT professionals or managers in companies that use similar software.

Another advantage of cold emailing is that it allows you to scale your outreach efforts. With the right tools and strategies, you can send hundreds or even thousands of cold emails at once, reaching a much wider audience than you could with in-person networking or other forms of outreach.

However, it's important to note that cold emailing can also be limited. For example, not everyone will respond to your emails; some may view unsolicited emails as spam. It's important to respect the recipient's time and privacy and ensure your message is relevant and valuable to them.

Generate Leads

Cold emailing is an effective way to generate leads by starting a personalized conversation with potential customers or clients.

First, identify your target audience and craft a message introducing yourself and explaining how your product or service can benefit the recipient. Include a clear call-to-action and follow-up on your cold emails to keep the conversation going.

Over time, this can lead to sales opportunities or long-term relationships with customers or clients. Remember to use cold emailing judiciously and not to spam or harass recipients.

Build Relationships

Cold emailing can build relationships with potential customers or clients by personalizing the message, respecting the recipient's time, and following up regularly to provide value.

By showing that you understand the recipient's interests and needs, you can establish trust and begin a conversation that can lead to a long-term relationship.

With patience, persistence, and a focus on adding value, cold emailing can effectively build relationships and grow your business.

Increase Brand Awareness

Cold emailing can increase brand awareness by personalizing messages, using a professional email signature, including links to your website or social media profiles, and following up with helpful information or resources.

This can establish your brand as a trustworthy and valuable resource, leading to word-of-mouth referrals and increased visibility.

With a focus on building relationships, cold emailing can effectively grow your brand and reach new customers.


Cold emailing is a cost-effective sales and marketing strategy that allows businesses to reach specific audiences with personalized messages, track metrics to improve ROI and allocate their budget for maximum impact.

With low or no cost and the ability to optimize messaging over time, cold emailing can effectively generate leads and increase sales for your business.

By targeting specific audiences with personalized messages, cold emailing can help businesses reach potential customers who may not have been reached through other marketing or sales channels.

By tracking metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversions, businesses can optimize their messaging and increase the likelihood of generating leads and closing sales.
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How Many Cold Emails Can I Send Daily?


Quality > quantity.

Do your homework and compose personalized messages that cater to your target audience's needs and interests. Don't go overboard, either. You don't want your outreach efforts to backfire. A maximum of 20-30 high-quality cold emails daily should do the trick!

The best part of cold emailing is that you can scale your outreach efforts with top-notch strategies and tools. Send hundreds or even thousands of emails at once and reach a broader audience than in-person networking ever could.

But remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Respect the recipient's time and privacy and always present a valuable message. Don't be that guy who sends unsolicited emails that ends up in the spam folder.


Generally, you shouldn't send more than 80 cold emails per day. This way, you can balance the number of emails you send with their quality and not overwhelm your audience.

But keep in mind that you shouldn't start sending 80 emails at once. Take it slowly and gradually increase the number over time as you learn what works and what doesn't.

Also, take into account the past sequences of emails you've sent.

Avoid sending them all at once if you're doing an automated campaign

By following these suggestions and optimizing your approach, you can find the balance of volume and quality that works best for your specific situation and goals. Always aim to deliver value and build relationships with your audience rather than bombarding them with as many messages as possible.

Maximize ROI with Results Tracking for Cold Emails

When it comes to cold email campaigns, maximizing your return on investment (ROI) is the key.

However, achieving a high ROI requires more than just sending out many emails. You need to track the results and use that data to refine and improve your approach over time to optimize your campaigns.

Results tracking helps you identify which messages resonate with your audience, which subject lines generate the most opens, and which calls to action drive the most clicks.

Use Email Tracking Software

Utilize email tracking software to monitor key metrics such as email opens, clicks, and responses.

Some popular options include Yesware, HubSpot, and Outreach. This will allow you to track the effectiveness of your cold email campaign and make data-driven decisions to optimize your approach.

Set Clear Objectives

Before you send any cold emails, it's important to define clear objectives for your campaign.

Doing this will help you track progress and figure out what works and what doesn't. Some examples of objectives include generating leads, increasing website traffic, or driving sales.

Analyze Your Data

After sending out your cold email campaign, take some time to analyze the data you've collected.

Look for patterns and trends, determining where your campaign succeeded and fell short. Analyzing the data allows you to make wise decisions to enhance future campaigns, maximizing your return on investment (ROI).


Cold emails have become an incredibly effective tool for marketers and businesses alike.

And now you know the answer to the question - how many cold emails should you be sending each day?

Depending on your industry, it is important to set daily limits for yourself in order to maximize results, but don’t forget about the value of tracking results for better ROI.

The key is to track your results, adjust and optimize your strategy until you find what works for you. Establish a rhythm to ensure that the emails don’t stack up, setting a maximum number of cold emails sent per day will help with this.

This is a sign to warm up your email before sending cold emails with Unfiltered!

Unfiltered is an email warm-up tool that automatically increases the deliverability of your mailbox and guarantees your cold emails will be delivered to the recipient's inbox.
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