5 Reasons Why a Generic Email is Bad For Your Brand

Generic email addresses may seem like a good idea - but they're not. Avoid falling into pit falls by learning how they're doing you more harm than good.
Email is one of the primary ways that businesses communicate with customers and clients, making it an essential aspect of a successful brand.

Unfortunately, many business owners make the mistake of using a generic email address, such as info@businessname.com or sales@businessname.com.

In this blog, we will delve into why this is a bad idea and provide valuable information on why you should consider switching to a more professional email solution.

Let's get started!

What is a Generic Email?

A generic email refers to an email address not associated with any specific individual but rather represents a group, department, or organization. It is commonly used for general inquiries, customer support, or information dissemination.

Unlike a personal email address, which typically includes a person's name, a generic email address is often more generic and functional, such as info@example.com, support@company.com, or sales@business.com.

Generic emails are often displayed on websites, marketing materials, or other public platforms to encourage communication with a specific department or to streamline customer interaction.

Here's the thing about generic emails: they lack the personal touch that customers crave.

In today's world, customers want a personalized experience, and using a generic email can make your business seem uninterested in building a strong relationship with them. Not to mention, generic emails just don't have the professional vibe that a personalized email would bring. It makes your business seem less established and trustworthy, harming your reputation and ultimately hurting your email deliverability and health score.

On the other hand, using a personalized email address such as john@businessname.com adds a personal touch to your communications and helps build a stronger connection with your customers. Plus, when multiple people use the same generic email address, it can be difficult to track who sent what email and to whom.

This leads to confusion and mistakes and can harm your business relationships.

Why a Generic Email is Bad?

why a generic email is bad

1- Lacks Personalization

We get it - using a generic email like info@businessname.com is quick and easy. But let us tell you, using a generic email gives off the impression that your business doesn't care about personalizing its communications with customers.

And who wants to do business with a company that seems uninterested in building a relationship, right?

On the other hand, using a personalized email address like john@businessname.com shows that your business is all about that personal touch. It helps build a stronger customer connection and screams "professional." It's like having a secret handshake with your customers - it sets you apart from the generic email-using competition.

But wait, there's more!

Using a generic email can also lead to confusion and mistakes. When multiple people use the same generic email address, it's like a game of "Who sent that email?" nobody wants to play that game.

With a personalized email, every message is attributed to the correct person, without confusion about who said what.

2- Decreases Professionalism

Listen, we hate to break it to you, but using a generic email address such as info@businessname.com or sales@businessname.com can be a recipe for disaster.

It just screams "unprofessional" and "untrustworthy."

Who wants to do business with a company that doesn't take their email seriously, right?

Think about it - what's your first impression when you receive an email from a generic address?

It's probably not one of a well-established, trustworthy business. But when you receive an email from a personalized address, like john@businessname.com, you're more likely to view the sender as professional and trustworthy. It has a more personal touch and shows that the sender is committed to their business and customers.

Using a generic email can also decrease credibility and damage the sender's reputation. People are naturally suspicious of businesses that don't put in the effort to create a personalized email address.

It makes your business seem like a fly-by-night operation, and nobody wants to do business with a company that seems like it might not be around tomorrow.

3- Makes Internal Organization Difficult

While it might seem like a good idea to have everyone in the company use the same email address, it can lead to a bunch of problems in the long run.

Imagine trying to find a needle in a haystack. Now imagine trying to find a specific email in a haystack of hundreds or thousands of emails. That's what you're up against when multiple people are using the same generic email address.

It's a mess, plain and simple.

Not only is it difficult to keep track of who sent what email and to whom, but it can also lead to confusion and mistakes. And those mistakes can harm your business relationships in a big way. Let's say you're trying to find an email from a customer, and it got lost in the shuffle because multiple people were using the same generic address.

How would that make the customer feel?

Not good, that's for sure.
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4- Reduces Brand Awareness

When it comes to email addresses, it's important to realize that they serve as a form of advertising for your business.

So, why settle for a generic email address when you can have a personalized one that promotes your brand and makes you stand out from the competition?

It's like having a billboard for your business - you want it to be personalized and eye-catching, right?

By using a personalized email address, you can easily include your name and business name in the email, increasing brand awareness and helping you make a lasting impression on your customers.

It's like a silent salesperson working 24/7 to promote your brand!

5- Limits Functionality

When it comes to generic email providers, you often get what you pay for: limited functionality.

With limited storage space, limited support, and limited access to tools and features, it can feel like you're stuck in a digital rut.

But here's the thing, if your business is growing and evolving, your email solution needs to be able to keep up. Using a generic email address may seem like a quick and convenient solution at the moment, but in the long run, it could hold you back from reaching your full potential.

Think about it. You've put so much time, effort, and energy into your business, why settle for a subpar email solution?

Invest in a professional email solution that can grow with you and support your business needs.


Using a generic email address can have many harmful effects on your brand. It can make your business seem uninterested in building customer relationships, appear unprofessional, and lead to confusion and mistakes.

Investing in a professional email solution can add a personal touch to your communications, build stronger customer relationships, and create a more professional and trustworthy image for your business.

A professional email solution will also provide more features and tools to help you grow and support your business needs.

Have Unfiltered warm-up your domain and keep your emails out of the spam folder and increase deliverability.
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